This is not a roadmap: It’s a to-do list.
Coloso is a long term project focused on bringing financial freedom to everyone. We are not limited in our ideas and will continue to explore new routes each and every step of the way. The time frame for our roadmap is not a few months like most projects, we will lay out our plans for the next decade and continuously add new ideas and projects.
Smart contract creation.
Fair launch.
Decentralized Exchange launch.
Team Expansion.
SV Auditors Audit.
Marketing campaing begins.
Mainnet Cardano stake-pool fully operational.
Lisitng on CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap.
Centralized Exchange Listing.
Launch of cross-chain swaps.
Launch of NFT platform.
AVAX and ETH2.0 Stake-pools fully operational.
Explore new blockchains.
Full-implementation of cross-chain swaps.
Development of independent Coloso blockchain.
2024: Coming soon!
Last updated