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Coloso is a Decentralized Finance ecosystem that helps users get the most out of their crypto.
Instantly swap crypto tokens: no account or registration process.
Low fees: Coloso runs on Binance Smart Chain, a blockchain with very low transaction costs.
Trade directly from your wallet app.
Stake your tokens in our range of BSC Pools and earn Coloso.
Stake LP tokens to earn Coloso with Yield Farms.
Don't want to farm? Earn transaction fees by providing liquidity to our Liquidity Pools (LP's).
Follow our handy guides to get started on the basics as quickly as possible:
🔄Exchange🚜Yield Farming🐴BSC Pools💸Staking Pools from other networksGood to know: Unlike centralized exchanges such as Binance or Coinbase, Coloso does not hold your funds when you trade: You have full ownership of your crypto.
Learn the fundamentals of MyProduct to get a deeper understanding of our main features: